Eat Your Biggest Meal Early in the Day

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This illustration is part of my Collective Food Wisdom series, for which I asked people across different languages and cultures to share a nugget of food wisdom or advice they’ve received that they continue to carry with them in their kitchen, garden, or life. 

This piece comes from Dan "The Ice Cream Man" McDaniel, a self-titled "Resident Chocoholic" who refers to me as "Gina Gelato" (very accurate). You can see why we get along.

What is the most useful piece of food wisdom or advice you have ever received?

Dan: Eat your biggest meal early in the day—that way, you have more time to burn it off throughout the day.

Who gave it to you? 

Dan: Celebrity trainer.

How does it show up in your life?

Dan: I can eat all of the chocolate I want before 3pm—without worrying about weight gain!

This was one of several reminders I've had this past week about all the modern ways in which we pass on food wisdom in our culture.

One of the most useful things I personally learned from a celebrity figure is this: put onions in the freezer for a few minutes before cutting into them to slow the juices that make you cry. I learned it while watching Rachael Ray make 30-minute meals on TV, and I still use the trick fifteen years later.

To sink your teeth into more Collective Food Wisdom, and perhaps even hang a reminder of it in your own kitchen, head on over to my shop. Sometimes I sell the originals, too, so make sure you're signed up for my monthly inspiration email to be notified next time they go on sale, and you can snag your favorite.