Book - Kage ABC (Cake Alphabet)

Book - Kage ABC (Cake Alphabet)
"Which letter shall we bake today?"
A book (in Danish) intended for those who have just begun learning their Danish letters, “Kage ABC” makes learning the alphabet fun and memorable. You can bake treats that spell out the letters of your name, make a cake for a friend whose name starts with ‘J,’ ‘P,’ or ‘Z,’ or bake your way through the whole alphabet. There are recipes that are quick and easy, alongside other recipes that are more of a weekend project. All of them will reward you with lovely homemade cakes baked from good ingredients. Here’s to many hours of alphabet fun and tasty bites!
This book has an accompanying poster with all of the cakes (illustrated by yours truly). It would be a visual delight for both my Danish-speaking friends and non-Danish speaking friends alike.
Kage ABC is a collaboration between myself as the illustrator and Katrine Klinken as the author. Katrine is a chef and well-known cookbook author who has written Børnenes Køkken (The Children’s Kitchen) and Børnenes Bagebog (The Children’s Baking Book). Our publisher is Koustrup & Co. in Denmark.
Language: Danish